Back Online
So I'm trying to get this little old blog back online. I like xanga but there just isn't a lot I can do with it. I like the privacy of it but it's hard to share with others. Sooo, I'm going to try to run both together for a while and see how it goes!
The weekend is going well, it's so nice to have a break. In fact, I took TWO naps today while Shannon took TWO great naps! In between we did some fun errands. Borders- bought a huge book on fancy cars for the boys. Toys R Us to buy Shannon her first baby-doll (she loves sucking on its bald head). Michael's to buy 20x30 picture frames. We are going to frame some of Jer's amazing photos from Alaska to hang in the boy's bedroom.
I'm trying to get some my scrap projects photographed too. I did this mini-freestyle album a while back. Got the idea from Little Dreamer Designs. I used some pictures from our end of the year outing and love the way it came out!

Well, that's about it for now. I hear Shannon moving around so I better wrap it up. Oh, for those of you that have asked questions about digi-scrapping- I'm working on a post, complete with pictures and links. Stay tuned!
The weekend is going well, it's so nice to have a break. In fact, I took TWO naps today while Shannon took TWO great naps! In between we did some fun errands. Borders- bought a huge book on fancy cars for the boys. Toys R Us to buy Shannon her first baby-doll (she loves sucking on its bald head). Michael's to buy 20x30 picture frames. We are going to frame some of Jer's amazing photos from Alaska to hang in the boy's bedroom.
I'm trying to get some my scrap projects photographed too. I did this mini-freestyle album a while back. Got the idea from Little Dreamer Designs. I used some pictures from our end of the year outing and love the way it came out!

Well, that's about it for now. I hear Shannon moving around so I better wrap it up. Oh, for those of you that have asked questions about digi-scrapping- I'm working on a post, complete with pictures and links. Stay tuned!