Long Days

Picture day with Caroline, my friend Tara's daughter. Isn't she beautiful? (And Shannon- she crawls around wanting to kiss and tackle the other babies. I guess she'll be a people-person!)

Long days . . .
Shannon has her first cold.
She was kind enough to share it with me.
Working from Friday at 4 until Sunday at 4.
Boys who disobey me.
Things that make me so happy right now . . .
65 degree nights (That's cold here in Florida)
Perfect blue skies and light breezes.
Green grass and playing on blankets.
A workout partner and friend to chat with.
The promise of eternity.
I'm glad tomorrow is Monday- a day to catch up on housework, pay bills and feel "put together" again. I had a great chat with a friend about parenting and life as a mother/wife tonight. You always know that other people are going through similar things but talking through them is always nice. The last few days have been rough since Shannon has been sick and awake every hour (or more) at night since she can't breathe. I don't feel good which makes the day long. But the weather makes me so happy. I love this time of year and this year it reminds me that change is in the air. And I can't wait, I want to embrace every bit of it and I can't wait to see what's coming!
Have a good week everyone!