New Things

Like so many people, I love the start of a new year. A new calendar. Fresh beginnings. New goals. It's exciting and refreshing. Of course a new beginning means an ending too. Most specificially, an end to my vacation. It's been amazingly wonderful to get away from Orlando- home is also work. We needed to be away from there- to forget about coworkers, kids and all the stresses related. In fact, for most of the two weeks we were gone we didn't even THINK about anything related to work. And now I'm (mostly) ready to head back and get going again.
Vacation was wonderful- filled with laying around, skiing, reading, scrapbooking, playing with Shannon, stuff like that. I set a few goals for the new year, made some lists for when we return.
Goals . . . I am not so much a resolution person as a goal person. Semantics perhaps. Last year I didn't do so good on goals- I really had NO idea how much having a little person enter my life would affect getting anything done, HA! So this year my goals are in certain areas and easily accomplished perhaps.

1. Spiritual/personal- write in journal 3 x week
2. Physical- treadmill 3x, weights/yoga 1x week
3. Marriage- one date per month with Jer (no Shan :) )
4. Children- one special date with Shan each month
5. Wifely- try one new recipe a week
6. World- get my compost & plants going again
7. Work- plan one special family night a month
So there you have a peek into what I'll be working on. I'll leave you with some of the pages I got accomplished, pictures of our vacation are on facebook or I'll post later.
