I know I"m a slacker . . . seems like life has been really full and really hard this week. Well I guess it HAS been. That seems to zap a lot of my communicating and creativity. BUT Spring Break started today. With that a renewal of creativity, a breath of "fresh" air (even though nothing has changed) and a BREAK! We aren't going anywhere, for the first time in a long time. Our plans- hang out, do some organizing, play together. Sounds good to me!
Whew, so what's been up with us lately? Here are a few scrapbook pages to tell the story . . .
My mom came for a wonderful visit and we went to the beach. Have I mentioned how much I love this girl?
Shannon discovered that playing dress-up and playing with mom's purse are her favorite things!
Jeremiah continues his daily training to climb Denali (Mt. McKinley) this summer. It will be an amazing and unhuman test of strength and so his training is crazy. This week has been carrying 65+ pounds in a backpack, plus dragging a 50+ pound TIRE behind him, while walking up through the orange groves, in 85 degree heat. I keep reminding him that he's PAYING to do this torture!!!! Anyway! He does unreal amounts of push-ups and Shannon has started doing them with him. This day she just climbed on his back for a ride. I LOVE this picture of them both resting. Makes me want to cry every time I look at it!
Of course there has been more than that but I hope that is a good start! I just realized it's late and we're getting up early to go to the flea market! Have a great weekend!