Diaper savings
Go to this link to see how you can get a ton of diapers for just $25! I chose to buy the extra-large case of diapers and one jumbo pack, rather than the 7 jumbo packs like the website suggested. Pretty nice deal for Luvs diapers!
It was a full week or two, lots of important family things going on. I was also blessed with a visit from my mom!
First, somehow this little baby went from this . . . (one month)

To this (one year)
To this two year old princess!

We got her a table from Ikea, balloons on her door when she woke up, her birthday dress and pretty flowers!
And she even blew out her candle!

Our dear friend and relief parent Pete, got us into Disney for free!
And Shannon met her favorite Disney Princess!
And this little guy, who keeps me alternating between tears and laughter, turned a whole three months!

It was a full week or two, lots of important family things going on. I was also blessed with a visit from my mom!
First, somehow this little baby went from this . . . (one month)

To this (one year)

Our dear friend and relief parent Pete, got us into Disney for free!
