Here I am!
So it's almost embarassing that it's been so long since I've updated. If that tells you how wild life has been around here for the last three weeks . . . Where to even begin to sum it all up!?!?!
Memorial day- a nice weekend at home. Shannon and I ventured into the {hot} backyard to throw stones into the lake and pick flowers.

Forest continues to grow and get himself into trouble . . . he's now cruising around furniture and into e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Oh yeah and the teething has officially started with puddles of drool oozing out everywhere.

On June 3rd, our boys started their summer schedule. Meaning only in school from 9-1. Having just four hours off during the day is NOT long to do much other than laundry, lunch and re-group. Oh and we fit in a "year end outing" to some beautiful natural springs on Friday the 4th.

On June 3rd, Jeremiah and I also celebrated 10 years of marriage! No time or money to do anything since #1 our boys were home from school and #2, we were saving all our money for a trip to NY for Brian's wedding and a summer trip to PA. A trip down memory lane for you however . . . What babes we were. So young, it's crazy to me!

Then a couple more crazy days with the boys- making baby food, doing laundry, cleaning the cottage and my house . . . this is my high-tech way of making baby food! Steam whatever veggie I need (peas in this case), throw them in the blender with water and then freeze in ice-cube trays. When frozen, pop out and into baggies! Here is my lovely set-up!

A few stops in between to rescue Forest, who insists on climbing under a chair, then standing up, then yelling because he's stuck. Sigh.

Then we went to NY, to my brother's wedding. The kids were AMAZING on the plane, in fact they were wonderful travelers the whole time. I kept wondering if they were {my} kids! Forest loved it right from the start (and notice the bib, that was accidental!).

We had a blast being outside in cooler weather, with real grass and no ants!

Kids had a blast with everyone, but it was really special to spend time with Uncle Dean :) Boy do I wish I could live closer to family, my brothers LOVE my kids and I so wish they could know each other.

And then there was the wedding. I know, I know, that's all you want to see! My pictures are pretty lousy- I was holding F or S most of the time or too busy to snap some. The photographer was AMAZING, I'll post a link to his blog when pics are up and we'll be able to get a copy of the CD from Brian & Anna. Perfect wedding, the details were beyond things I've seen in magazines. Wonderful day, lots of tears and they are having a blast in Hawaii!
Groomsmen . . . (funny, I noticed Jer smiled better in these pictures than in our own wedding pics!)

Jer seating my mom . . .

Sweet Shannon . . .

Okay, this is long enough, more tomorrow . . .
Memorial day- a nice weekend at home. Shannon and I ventured into the {hot} backyard to throw stones into the lake and pick flowers.

Forest continues to grow and get himself into trouble . . . he's now cruising around furniture and into e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Oh yeah and the teething has officially started with puddles of drool oozing out everywhere.

On June 3rd, our boys started their summer schedule. Meaning only in school from 9-1. Having just four hours off during the day is NOT long to do much other than laundry, lunch and re-group. Oh and we fit in a "year end outing" to some beautiful natural springs on Friday the 4th.

On June 3rd, Jeremiah and I also celebrated 10 years of marriage! No time or money to do anything since #1 our boys were home from school and #2, we were saving all our money for a trip to NY for Brian's wedding and a summer trip to PA. A trip down memory lane for you however . . . What babes we were. So young, it's crazy to me!

Then a couple more crazy days with the boys- making baby food, doing laundry, cleaning the cottage and my house . . . this is my high-tech way of making baby food! Steam whatever veggie I need (peas in this case), throw them in the blender with water and then freeze in ice-cube trays. When frozen, pop out and into baggies! Here is my lovely set-up!

A few stops in between to rescue Forest, who insists on climbing under a chair, then standing up, then yelling because he's stuck. Sigh.

Then we went to NY, to my brother's wedding. The kids were AMAZING on the plane, in fact they were wonderful travelers the whole time. I kept wondering if they were {my} kids! Forest loved it right from the start (and notice the bib, that was accidental!).

We had a blast being outside in cooler weather, with real grass and no ants!

Kids had a blast with everyone, but it was really special to spend time with Uncle Dean :) Boy do I wish I could live closer to family, my brothers LOVE my kids and I so wish they could know each other.

And then there was the wedding. I know, I know, that's all you want to see! My pictures are pretty lousy- I was holding F or S most of the time or too busy to snap some. The photographer was AMAZING, I'll post a link to his blog when pics are up and we'll be able to get a copy of the CD from Brian & Anna. Perfect wedding, the details were beyond things I've seen in magazines. Wonderful day, lots of tears and they are having a blast in Hawaii!
Groomsmen . . . (funny, I noticed Jer smiled better in these pictures than in our own wedding pics!)

Jer seating my mom . . .

Sweet Shannon . . .
