Catch Up

Since it appears I'll never have time for a post again . . .
Outside my window... amazing blue skies and cooler temperatures.
I am thinking... that it's impossible Forest will be ONE on Tuesday . . . and I have a whole lot to do on Monday to get ready for it!
I am thankful for... my friend Janet and good talks with her about life and parenting. Good reminders that "this is how we do things in OUR family."
From the kitchen... so much! Jer is making sauerkraut. I'm researching varieties of sourdough starters. And birthday cakes galore! (Three birthdays in less than a week!)
I am wearing... jeans that need to go to the thrift because they are too baggy and my favorite turquoise shirt.
I am creating... lots! Birthday decorations for Forest. Scrapbook pages for creative teams and challenges. And gathering all kinds of holiday ideas!
I am going... to buy Forest a birthday present tomorrow and a birthday outfit!
I am reading... too much! (Is this a theme?) Found a great author- Julie Klassen- writes Christian fiction about women in England during victorian times. Good historical fiction, I highly recommend it!
I am hoping... for a good night's sleep.
I am hearing... the air-conditioner running. The baby-monitor's drone. Jer playing a video game in the living room.
Around the house... the bedrooms need vacuumed. More hand-me-downs need sorted and packed away (wow, we've been blessed!). Fall decorations abound.
One of my favorite things... my pearl necklace sitting on my desk.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Preparations for Forest's birthday tomorrow. Tuesday I'll celebrate my one year old! Bake some bread, organize my pantry and some major work on the garden!