Project 365
So last year I decide to join the tons of people who are documenting their lives, one picture a day. And at the end of the year, I had an amazing set of pictures to represent our year. I read tons and tons before starting and started with a plan, which I think helped me finish! Here's what worked for me . . . .
1. First, if you are a Type A personality, this probably won't work for you! But the older I get, the more laid back I get . . . I decided to take a picture a day, but I didn't throw the whole project out when I missed a few days. Instead, I just went with the flow- either took pictures of things that represented those days or just filled in with "cute" pictures. For example- after a bought of illness, during which I didn't take pictures, I later took pictures of the meds, a basket full of tissues, etc. At one point with a terrible situation here at work with one of our boys, the courts, etc. No camera or creativity those days :) So I just filled in pictures from other days, heaven knows I take enough!

What are you looking to document?
* changes in family (lots of face pictures)
* events over the course of the year?
* daily life (I have pictures of diapers, laundry, meals, messes, etc.)
* other people do themes- a week of toys, books, meals, outfits, etc.
2. Decide when you start what you are going to do with the pictures. Do you just want a huge pile of pictures on your computer (I don't suggest this)? Other ideas . . .
* print one picture per day (maybe at the end of each month, so you don't get backed-up) and put in a special album
* if you are a scrapbooker, there are tons and tons of {free} templates out there, designed to do 7 photos per page, or calendar style, etc. How are you going to print? As scrapbook pages or as a book? Email me if you need help finding them.
* I found a style of "template" that I liked and made them myself. I averaged 5-8 pages per month. Each month I added dates, photos and captions. I decided in January that I would print with Blurb, as I've had good success with them before- this helped me size my pages the right way. By December 31st I had my entire book finished! Each month had different date tags, etc.

Biggest project I've ever finished in my life- can't begin to tell you how proud & happy I was! (I'm good at starting things but not always at finishing!) Kids love "reading" our book at naptime, even though it's over 60 pages long!

3. This year I'm adding scrapbook paper to the backgrounds but NOT doing captions- they just wore me out. And I'm already behind . . . UGH! I have been taking the pictures but am 2 months behind on layouts!

Hope this helps those of you looking to attempt it! And you don't have to wait until January to start- pick up your camera today :)
1. First, if you are a Type A personality, this probably won't work for you! But the older I get, the more laid back I get . . . I decided to take a picture a day, but I didn't throw the whole project out when I missed a few days. Instead, I just went with the flow- either took pictures of things that represented those days or just filled in with "cute" pictures. For example- after a bought of illness, during which I didn't take pictures, I later took pictures of the meds, a basket full of tissues, etc. At one point with a terrible situation here at work with one of our boys, the courts, etc. No camera or creativity those days :) So I just filled in pictures from other days, heaven knows I take enough!
What are you looking to document?
* changes in family (lots of face pictures)
* events over the course of the year?
* daily life (I have pictures of diapers, laundry, meals, messes, etc.)
* other people do themes- a week of toys, books, meals, outfits, etc.
2. Decide when you start what you are going to do with the pictures. Do you just want a huge pile of pictures on your computer (I don't suggest this)? Other ideas . . .
* print one picture per day (maybe at the end of each month, so you don't get backed-up) and put in a special album
* if you are a scrapbooker, there are tons and tons of {free} templates out there, designed to do 7 photos per page, or calendar style, etc. How are you going to print? As scrapbook pages or as a book? Email me if you need help finding them.
* I found a style of "template" that I liked and made them myself. I averaged 5-8 pages per month. Each month I added dates, photos and captions. I decided in January that I would print with Blurb, as I've had good success with them before- this helped me size my pages the right way. By December 31st I had my entire book finished! Each month had different date tags, etc.
Biggest project I've ever finished in my life- can't begin to tell you how proud & happy I was! (I'm good at starting things but not always at finishing!) Kids love "reading" our book at naptime, even though it's over 60 pages long!
3. This year I'm adding scrapbook paper to the backgrounds but NOT doing captions- they just wore me out. And I'm already behind . . . UGH! I have been taking the pictures but am 2 months behind on layouts!
Hope this helps those of you looking to attempt it! And you don't have to wait until January to start- pick up your camera today :)