Two quick recipes that I found, tried and loved this week . . . they've already been typed up on my special recipe paper, printed and put into my recipe book, they were that good! If you need these larger, let me know!
Pumpkin-Apple Bread- don't know how you couldn't like this. Perfect fall flavors, wonderful smells that come from your kitchen. Great with butter on top, too!

This one may be more particular to your taste buds- but I love lime, cilantro and avacado- how could they not be perfect together!? This soup is really "light" and was also good (the second time in one week I made it!) with rice to fill the bowl.
Pumpkin-Apple Bread- don't know how you couldn't like this. Perfect fall flavors, wonderful smells that come from your kitchen. Great with butter on top, too!
This one may be more particular to your taste buds- but I love lime, cilantro and avacado- how could they not be perfect together!? This soup is really "light" and was also good (the second time in one week I made it!) with rice to fill the bowl.
38 days and you can serve them to me!!!! love Mom