Swimming to the End!
Swim, swim, swim!!!!
That was our last week {and will be this week} . . . Shannon started swimming lessons last Monday and that's pretty much dictated our lives. They are every afternoon at 2:30, which means we eat lunch early so she can "try" to have a nap before we leave at 2. By the time we come home, we have a few minutes to change, snack and the boys are walking in the door!
Shannon is doing amazing, her teacher is excellent! I'd recommend her to anyone in the area! The focus of these lessons is #1. teach them that if they fall in the water, they flip to their back to float, to save their life. And #2. how to do a basic swim (reach and pull, kick, kick, kick). Day 3 Shannon back-floated alone! Pretty amazing to see a little girl look like a doll! Day 4 she swam underwater, alone!

We've been swimming at our pool each morning, to practice going under water . . .and we are all tired! I'm so thankful for the lessons but will be glad when we return to our normal routine.

The boys . . . well I was going to update that things were a bit better, but we busted 3 boys playing in bed again at the end of the week. Boo. After a bit of hard exercise and probing, we discovered that one boy was responsible and he was on who was already in trouble! What's most troubling is the "flat line" emotional status. No anger, no fear, no sorrow for sin. Not even an emotional reaction to losing all his privileges. That's such a scary thing, because in general, the people who do really bad things and have disasters of lives . . . are the ones who have disconnected with that internal conscience or spirit of God. The other boys are okay- nothing great going on. Three and a half weeks . . .we can do it, we can do it!
FOREST . . . has not gotten spanked in over a week, for calling someone stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we say yippppppeeee!?!?!?!?!? As you all know, parenting is super hard and you don't often see the results for years. But it sure is encouraging when you really apply yourself to being firm & consistent EVERY single time . . . and see the child make the connection! Thanks God!!!!!!!!!!!
So to wrap it up . . . some THANKFULS this last week:
* great swim teacher
* Shannon's determination & hard work at lessons
* beautiful weather
* rain to make things green again
* Forest learning!
* a three day weekend with no plans
* an excellent teacher for our boys
* summer vacation just 4 weeks away
* washi tape
* pinterest links to amazing coloring pages
* paint and stencils
Some PRAYERS this week
* fear to continue to stay away for Shannon
* healing for Shannon's body (bowel issues- we've started on Miralax)
* our boys to finish well
* strength and determination for us to finish well! The countdown to Gramma's house is on (and also when the boys leave)

And one more . . . a TWELVE year anniversary for us on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was our last week {and will be this week} . . . Shannon started swimming lessons last Monday and that's pretty much dictated our lives. They are every afternoon at 2:30, which means we eat lunch early so she can "try" to have a nap before we leave at 2. By the time we come home, we have a few minutes to change, snack and the boys are walking in the door!
Shannon is doing amazing, her teacher is excellent! I'd recommend her to anyone in the area! The focus of these lessons is #1. teach them that if they fall in the water, they flip to their back to float, to save their life. And #2. how to do a basic swim (reach and pull, kick, kick, kick). Day 3 Shannon back-floated alone! Pretty amazing to see a little girl look like a doll! Day 4 she swam underwater, alone!
We've been swimming at our pool each morning, to practice going under water . . .and we are all tired! I'm so thankful for the lessons but will be glad when we return to our normal routine.
The boys . . . well I was going to update that things were a bit better, but we busted 3 boys playing in bed again at the end of the week. Boo. After a bit of hard exercise and probing, we discovered that one boy was responsible and he was on who was already in trouble! What's most troubling is the "flat line" emotional status. No anger, no fear, no sorrow for sin. Not even an emotional reaction to losing all his privileges. That's such a scary thing, because in general, the people who do really bad things and have disasters of lives . . . are the ones who have disconnected with that internal conscience or spirit of God. The other boys are okay- nothing great going on. Three and a half weeks . . .we can do it, we can do it!
FOREST . . . has not gotten spanked in over a week, for calling someone stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we say yippppppeeee!?!?!?!?!? As you all know, parenting is super hard and you don't often see the results for years. But it sure is encouraging when you really apply yourself to being firm & consistent EVERY single time . . . and see the child make the connection! Thanks God!!!!!!!!!!!
So to wrap it up . . . some THANKFULS this last week:
* great swim teacher
* Shannon's determination & hard work at lessons
* beautiful weather
* rain to make things green again
* Forest learning!
* a three day weekend with no plans
* an excellent teacher for our boys
* summer vacation just 4 weeks away
* washi tape
* pinterest links to amazing coloring pages
* paint and stencils
Some PRAYERS this week
* fear to continue to stay away for Shannon
* healing for Shannon's body (bowel issues- we've started on Miralax)
* our boys to finish well
* strength and determination for us to finish well! The countdown to Gramma's house is on (and also when the boys leave)
And one more . . . a TWELVE year anniversary for us on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!