So this summer I felt like God was really teaching me and focusing me on the word and actions surrounding "intentional." It's not a foreign concept to me- one of my dear friends often talks and writes about being intentional in our parenting. I've focused on it from time to time. But this summer it just kept being brought to my mind as I had time to think about so many areas of my life.
I hate the word "busy" because it always seems to imply the idea of "I'm more important because I have so many things to do." But honestly, I lead a busy life. No matter how much I simplify, I can't escape from the fact that I have two young children and a full-time job that involves ten boys under the age of 13 living with me.
If I'm going to raise a Godly family, home school, work and a multitude of other things, I'm going to have to be intentional on a daily and moment by moment basis.
My dishes won't wash themselves every night unless I'm intentional about standing there until they all get done.
I won't have devotions prepared to share with my boys every morning, unless I intentionally sit down and read the lessons, and photo-copy their pages.
My kids won't be able to be home-schooled unless I am intentional about working out a philosophy with Jeremiah; researching materials to use; preparing them weekly and teaching them daily.
I won't be in shape unless I am intentional about exercising weekly.
My house won't be clean and organized (and dare I say pretty?) unless I am intentional about cleaning it and taking time to organize.
My relationship with Jeremiah won't be strong unless I'm intentional about encouraging him, respecting him, giving him time and energy.
My children won't have Godly character unless I am intentional about teaching them daily- disciplining, teaching, training, coaching . . . whatever buzz word you want to throw in there . . . unless I am intentional about looking into their character and praying about where we need work, it won't be Godly.
My relationship with God will not grow unless I am intentional about spending time with him, examining my pride and self to see what needs changed.
I won't be an effective houseparent unless I am intentional about using the time with the boys wisely, praying for them and disciplining them carefully.
And on and on . . . I think I'm entering a very intense season of life- at least for this year and probably for many years to come. Homeschooling and working full-time are going to be very challenging things to put together. I'm realizing that I'm going to have to be intentional, organized and really carefully study each moment to make sure I'm using them carefully.
It's exciting and a little scary!
I'll be back later this week hopefully, to share some stories and such from our first couple weeks with the boys. Things are very intense but going well! We had our first birthday of the year, too!

Last week my brother and his darling wife came for a visit and we got to the beach . . . and it was a perfect beach day!!!!

(my camera needs to be replaced so badly- it won't always hold a focus and so perfect shots like this end up messy . . . oh well, love it anyway!)

I hate the word "busy" because it always seems to imply the idea of "I'm more important because I have so many things to do." But honestly, I lead a busy life. No matter how much I simplify, I can't escape from the fact that I have two young children and a full-time job that involves ten boys under the age of 13 living with me.
If I'm going to raise a Godly family, home school, work and a multitude of other things, I'm going to have to be intentional on a daily and moment by moment basis.
My dishes won't wash themselves every night unless I'm intentional about standing there until they all get done.
I won't have devotions prepared to share with my boys every morning, unless I intentionally sit down and read the lessons, and photo-copy their pages.
My kids won't be able to be home-schooled unless I am intentional about working out a philosophy with Jeremiah; researching materials to use; preparing them weekly and teaching them daily.
I won't be in shape unless I am intentional about exercising weekly.
My house won't be clean and organized (and dare I say pretty?) unless I am intentional about cleaning it and taking time to organize.
My relationship with Jeremiah won't be strong unless I'm intentional about encouraging him, respecting him, giving him time and energy.
My children won't have Godly character unless I am intentional about teaching them daily- disciplining, teaching, training, coaching . . . whatever buzz word you want to throw in there . . . unless I am intentional about looking into their character and praying about where we need work, it won't be Godly.
My relationship with God will not grow unless I am intentional about spending time with him, examining my pride and self to see what needs changed.
I won't be an effective houseparent unless I am intentional about using the time with the boys wisely, praying for them and disciplining them carefully.
And on and on . . . I think I'm entering a very intense season of life- at least for this year and probably for many years to come. Homeschooling and working full-time are going to be very challenging things to put together. I'm realizing that I'm going to have to be intentional, organized and really carefully study each moment to make sure I'm using them carefully.
It's exciting and a little scary!
I'll be back later this week hopefully, to share some stories and such from our first couple weeks with the boys. Things are very intense but going well! We had our first birthday of the year, too!
Last week my brother and his darling wife came for a visit and we got to the beach . . . and it was a perfect beach day!!!!
(my camera needs to be replaced so badly- it won't always hold a focus and so perfect shots like this end up messy . . . oh well, love it anyway!)