22 Weeks
So, so much to catch up on . . . first things first . . .
Short version . . . It's a baby GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Long version . . . We got a baby-sitter for the day of our ultrasound, so we could go together. There were a whole lot of bets going on around the cottage, with "tea" made by Uncle Jeremiah and bragging rights for being "right" as the prizes. Jeremiah said he didn't "want" a boy more than a girl, he just "knew" it was a boy. And while I had prayed for a girl and deep-down really wanted a girl, I was okay with having a boy. Our ultrasound was actually at a really nice place that offers "ultrasound packages" for people who really make this an event . . . not what we were doing, it just happens to be where our midwife sends us! Made it nice though!

Of course it was lovely seeing baby move and wiggle, and less than five minutes into the 40 minute ultrasound the tech turned to us and said "it's a girl!!!!!" Jer was shocked silent and finally said "are you sure?" He just couldn't believe he was wrong. Oh must be so hard to always be right, HA! Baby was actually laying sideways, so it was really easy to see her little parts, leaving no question as to the amount of pink we'll be adding soon.
After the ultrasound we headed out to enjoy lunch with no kids along . . .and then stopped to buy some PINK popcorn for the kids. {We had told them we'd come home with pink or blue popcorn, to announce what baby was.}

When we got home, we handed the kids the popcorn . . . and upon opening his, Forest threw it across the sidewalk and burst into tears! And cried and cried . . . for like 15 minutes! We weren't really sure what was up, but later he said he wanted a brother so he could get blue popcorn . . . not because he wanted a brother, ha! He's actually so sweet about it- he'll pet my belly and say "I'm so glad God is giving us a baby sister." And offer to protect her from bad guys and teach her to climb stumps.

Now we're busy collecting tiny girl things, sorting through cloth diapers, getting rid of baby boy clothes and working on the kids' bedrooms. Lots to be done . . . it's a good thing I won't be able to do "projects" for a long time after baby is born, because I think I might be sick of them pretty soon!
My brother found me this dresser at the Ranch thrift store and a few coats of paint later, we have baby's dresser/changing table. The fox probably won't live in our bedroom very long, but the kids picked it out as baby's first toy, so until the crib is set up, there he sits.

And then there is a whole lot of cleaning out going on! I am determined not to ADD a third person's worth of stuff to the house, but to subtract a person's worth first. Lots of sorting, critical examining of books (boo hoo), clothing, etc. to see what we can get rid of. Just this week I have an entire HUGE trash bag and box filled with things to send to the thrift. Yipppee! I'm averaging about a bag per week, so we're getting somewhere. Here we are "mid project" in our bookshelf-room.

In other things, we're back to daily trips to the swimming pool. Boys are going home every weekend now, so that really changes the way our weeks & weekends look! Four weeks and we'll be on vacation . . . wow this year has flown!

And that's about it for now. NO I do NOT have things together (in reference to your sweet comments last post). I just have a lot to deal with (working full-time + kids + school + life) and have to stay organized, focused and determined not to lose my mind. We have plenty of days where laundry sits in baskets, lunch ends up being crappy because I don't plan ahead, nothing gets accomplished and we get frazzled. But it's a work in progress . . . and I'm learning to work HARD, all the time . . . determination, focus and being intentional are goals around here! Love and appreciate you friends!!!!

Short version . . . It's a baby GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Long version . . . We got a baby-sitter for the day of our ultrasound, so we could go together. There were a whole lot of bets going on around the cottage, with "tea" made by Uncle Jeremiah and bragging rights for being "right" as the prizes. Jeremiah said he didn't "want" a boy more than a girl, he just "knew" it was a boy. And while I had prayed for a girl and deep-down really wanted a girl, I was okay with having a boy. Our ultrasound was actually at a really nice place that offers "ultrasound packages" for people who really make this an event . . . not what we were doing, it just happens to be where our midwife sends us! Made it nice though!
Of course it was lovely seeing baby move and wiggle, and less than five minutes into the 40 minute ultrasound the tech turned to us and said "it's a girl!!!!!" Jer was shocked silent and finally said "are you sure?" He just couldn't believe he was wrong. Oh must be so hard to always be right, HA! Baby was actually laying sideways, so it was really easy to see her little parts, leaving no question as to the amount of pink we'll be adding soon.
After the ultrasound we headed out to enjoy lunch with no kids along . . .and then stopped to buy some PINK popcorn for the kids. {We had told them we'd come home with pink or blue popcorn, to announce what baby was.}
When we got home, we handed the kids the popcorn . . . and upon opening his, Forest threw it across the sidewalk and burst into tears! And cried and cried . . . for like 15 minutes! We weren't really sure what was up, but later he said he wanted a brother so he could get blue popcorn . . . not because he wanted a brother, ha! He's actually so sweet about it- he'll pet my belly and say "I'm so glad God is giving us a baby sister." And offer to protect her from bad guys and teach her to climb stumps.
Now we're busy collecting tiny girl things, sorting through cloth diapers, getting rid of baby boy clothes and working on the kids' bedrooms. Lots to be done . . . it's a good thing I won't be able to do "projects" for a long time after baby is born, because I think I might be sick of them pretty soon!
My brother found me this dresser at the Ranch thrift store and a few coats of paint later, we have baby's dresser/changing table. The fox probably won't live in our bedroom very long, but the kids picked it out as baby's first toy, so until the crib is set up, there he sits.
And then there is a whole lot of cleaning out going on! I am determined not to ADD a third person's worth of stuff to the house, but to subtract a person's worth first. Lots of sorting, critical examining of books (boo hoo), clothing, etc. to see what we can get rid of. Just this week I have an entire HUGE trash bag and box filled with things to send to the thrift. Yipppee! I'm averaging about a bag per week, so we're getting somewhere. Here we are "mid project" in our bookshelf-room.
In other things, we're back to daily trips to the swimming pool. Boys are going home every weekend now, so that really changes the way our weeks & weekends look! Four weeks and we'll be on vacation . . . wow this year has flown!
And that's about it for now. NO I do NOT have things together (in reference to your sweet comments last post). I just have a lot to deal with (working full-time + kids + school + life) and have to stay organized, focused and determined not to lose my mind. We have plenty of days where laundry sits in baskets, lunch ends up being crappy because I don't plan ahead, nothing gets accomplished and we get frazzled. But it's a work in progress . . . and I'm learning to work HARD, all the time . . . determination, focus and being intentional are goals around here! Love and appreciate you friends!!!!