Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas friends!  I hope you are finding some joy and peace in the midst of the season . . . in between taking care of little people and a zillion other things!

Honestly, the last couple weeks have been downright hard around here.  I don't really have the time to even sit here right now, but for sanity's sake, I need a few minutes.  This phase of life- this taking care of baby, parenting a four year old boy (wild, crazy, silly, goofy, lovable boy), trying to parent and be a teacher to my {almost six year old} precious daughter . . . trying not to fail at this house-parenting thing and be a caring wife to Jeremiah . . . it's overwhelming a lot of the time.  The last few weeks I've felt like I've done a horrible job at all of them . . . in reality, probably not all of them all the time, but I certainly haven't been at my top game.

I've snapped at my kids.  Gotten irritated and impatient with them when they are simply being kids and often can't help whatever it is that's bothering me.  Or snapped at them when I should have knelt down and taught them something patiently.  I failed at loving one of my boys as good as I could have- a boy who lost his grandmother (primary caretaker) and is grieving intensely yet bottling up every drop of emotion inside.  I didn't think about all the things that trigger him (birthday!!!) and plan ahead for them.  And on and on.

So that brings me to . . . I'm so thankful for Christmas . . . that God knew I was a miserable sinner and in desperate need of an amazing Savior.  This holiday I'm so thankful for second chances, third chances and new days.  Thankful that God can take a failing sinner like me and work IN me and through me, to touch a little of this broken world.

I grieve for those hurting people around.  My boys and their families- broken and messed up families.  For this messed up world that shouts at each other about Duck Dynasty for goodness sake . . .instead of wrapping their arms around each other in love, care and concern.  For the 140 million + children who are hoping for a family.  For the women and children in slavery.  Families in poverty.  What a hurting mess.

Thank you Jesus for coming for this messed up world.  May we be a little light to it and help point someone to you this season.

Friends, I'm SO thankful for you!  I wish I had a cute picture of my kids . . . but we haven't made it that far yet!  LOVE!


The Fair Melissa said…
Praying your Christmas is merry and bright! Love you, friend!
Setapart1979 said…
Beautiful realness that was a breath of fresh air to me today. Praying for you dear friend. Merry Christmas.

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