Desires and Hurts
I've got a lot on my heart tonight, but I wanted to share a neat praise, before I attempt to put feelings and thoughts to keyboard . . .
Earlier in 2013, perhaps June or July maybe, I had a breath of a prayer- one of those prayers that I'm not even sure I prayed, just "thought" about praying, if that makes sense. A desire that floated through but I didn't dwell on for hours and days. I just had a longing to get to know people outside of where we work. Sure I have some good friends here and my BEST friends I've met through the Ranch. But after so many years, it gets a bit stifiling to have your entire social life also be your work life! I wanted to get to know "normal" people (as in non-cottage parents). But it's hard- how to do that when our lives function so diffferently.
First day of Shannon's gymnastic lessons, a cute girl walks up to me as we are getting our kids in class and says "Erika?" Come to find out, I worked with her our first year at the Ranch! Way back in 2001!!!! We worked together that year and haven't talked or seen each other since. Now she is a mom of three kids, ages 4, 6 and 8. Also a foster mom, currently to the most beautiful 2 week old, 5 pound baby you've ever seen. Along with her, I met a woman that she met at gymnastics, another Christian mom of three.
Every week we sit for the hour and talk, talk, talk. Our daughters are getting to know each other and we're finding ways to serve each other. God answered the prayer I barely knew I needed to pray! It gives me a whole new outlook on the verse that God will grant the desires of your heart. He knew my heart desire more fully than I did! I feel so blessed to have these ladies now a part of my life!
In other ways, my heart is just hurting for all the hurt I see around me. I found out about a sweet new baby who was born with drugs in his system. Relatives are stepping forward to care for this little guy, but if we were closer to him (he is in another state), we would probably be able to step up and take him because of several issues, including being related. Not that I need a newborn, but it is making my heart and body just sick to think of the start that this baby is getting in the world. Not to be with his mom, to be struggling with the horrible effects of drugs leaving his system and to be in a house that is very chaotic. I can't get his face from my mind. And to know it's repeated thousands of times over, every day.
Our world is so broken. The amount of hurt around is just overwhelming at times. I don't know how people make it a day without God. No wonder they turn to things that numb them. I'm praying this year that God continues to use Jer and I to help hurting people. To keep us ready and willing to step up where he needs us, to step out if he needs us and to be his hands and feet to the broken around.
Love you friends!
Earlier in 2013, perhaps June or July maybe, I had a breath of a prayer- one of those prayers that I'm not even sure I prayed, just "thought" about praying, if that makes sense. A desire that floated through but I didn't dwell on for hours and days. I just had a longing to get to know people outside of where we work. Sure I have some good friends here and my BEST friends I've met through the Ranch. But after so many years, it gets a bit stifiling to have your entire social life also be your work life! I wanted to get to know "normal" people (as in non-cottage parents). But it's hard- how to do that when our lives function so diffferently.
First day of Shannon's gymnastic lessons, a cute girl walks up to me as we are getting our kids in class and says "Erika?" Come to find out, I worked with her our first year at the Ranch! Way back in 2001!!!! We worked together that year and haven't talked or seen each other since. Now she is a mom of three kids, ages 4, 6 and 8. Also a foster mom, currently to the most beautiful 2 week old, 5 pound baby you've ever seen. Along with her, I met a woman that she met at gymnastics, another Christian mom of three.
Every week we sit for the hour and talk, talk, talk. Our daughters are getting to know each other and we're finding ways to serve each other. God answered the prayer I barely knew I needed to pray! It gives me a whole new outlook on the verse that God will grant the desires of your heart. He knew my heart desire more fully than I did! I feel so blessed to have these ladies now a part of my life!
In other ways, my heart is just hurting for all the hurt I see around me. I found out about a sweet new baby who was born with drugs in his system. Relatives are stepping forward to care for this little guy, but if we were closer to him (he is in another state), we would probably be able to step up and take him because of several issues, including being related. Not that I need a newborn, but it is making my heart and body just sick to think of the start that this baby is getting in the world. Not to be with his mom, to be struggling with the horrible effects of drugs leaving his system and to be in a house that is very chaotic. I can't get his face from my mind. And to know it's repeated thousands of times over, every day.
Our world is so broken. The amount of hurt around is just overwhelming at times. I don't know how people make it a day without God. No wonder they turn to things that numb them. I'm praying this year that God continues to use Jer and I to help hurting people. To keep us ready and willing to step up where he needs us, to step out if he needs us and to be his hands and feet to the broken around.
Love you friends!