May is Moving!

May is moving right along, eeek!   Instead of a rambling of words, how about pictures?  We've had lots of fun the last couple weeks with random outings and stuff around here.  And I've managed to get some pictures of it too!  The big things coming up for us-
**  19th- Jer's birthday (tomorrow)
**  TWO and a half weeks of school left for Shannon!  Last week was probably our best week ever . . .but I tell you what, THIS mamma is looking forward to a nice break!!!!!!!!!!  This homeschool thing- wow, not easy at all.  More on that another day
**  2 1/2 weeks left of school for our boys . . . and then the dreaded schedule where they only go to school from 9-1 each day.  Gonna make it, gonna make it.
** ONE month until summer vacation starts!
**  Five days after that, we fly to NY for 2 weeks of wonderful vacation!  Counting!!!

BLACKBERRY PICKING has been the activity of choice lately . . . the boys have picked so many that I have FIVE gallon bags stuffed to overflowing in my freezer, a big jug of blackberry syrup and two bags of blackberry pie filling made.  Along with countless blackberry cobblers already made and consumed by the boys.  This was one of our evening hikes out there.  And don't even get me started on that horrible shirt Shannon has on . . . someone gave it to her . . .

A Birthday in the cottage (the guy in blue is our case manager and friend)

A playground trip

A trip to Sea World (me and the kids while Jer went golfing.  Yes, I am proud of myself.  No they weren't tired, because I was the one pushing the stroller ;) )

Then Jer remembered he had a friend who could get us here . . . any guessess????  Don't let the shorts deceive you, it was soooooo cold . . .  

Just kidding.  
It was a zillion degrees at Universal: Islands of Adventure! (this is Harry Potter world)

And a few more . . .

Okay, I think that's it!  Those were the fun things . . .that book-ended lots of school work, house cleaning, chasing baby . .  .who is now crawling like a mad woman! Eeek!  I don't have enough time in the day to keep the house clean enough for this little spy!  Crazy!  


The Fair Melissa said…
Yay for this fun post! We're about done with school as well, and I agree .. our weeks keep getting better! I have high hopes for 1st grade, but it sure scares me too!

Why do they always have to have the ugliest shirts on for the prettiest pictures?! Haha. Mmm, all those blackberries sound delish!

Sea World by yourself?! Rock star status! I love all the fun adventures you get to go on in FL. One of these days I WILL visit you there!

You and Heidi are looking adorable in your selfies!

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