April Musings

It's that time of year . . . dirty feet, dirty clothes, dirty arms . . . by ten in the morning.  Long days and longer evenings, with everyone outside playing until 7:45, then a mad dash inside to have everyone in bed by 8.  Kids change clothes multiple times a day, water is filling up buckets to splash in and cool little bodies off.

I'm loving the time outside- the green trees finally, the smell of Jasmine blooming, the amazing sky and water as we enjoy "spring," with temperatures in the mid 80s!  Swimming pool is open, adorable sun dresses are out and new bathing suits are getting lots of use.

Ballet pictures and preparation for the big recital in May . . . mommy learning to do her first "real" ballerina bun . . . with Forest going wild and Heidi "helping" do makeup and hair.  Fun times.

Our boys have been spending hours on this old boat that's in my back yard- sword fighting, fighting off pirates on the high seas and heading to the blackberry patches.  Which are overflowing with huge blackberries already!

Personally, this has been one of the hardest months on record.  We got three new boys this month, one of which most definitely was the hardest kid we've had in 14 years of house parenting.  My heart breaks for him and his family, he needs help.  But like we aren't prepared to teach a deaf child or a blind child; we don't have the one-on-one resources this little one needs.  He was released today and there is a huge peace in the house already. The other seven are doing well . . .and spring break starts tomorrow.  

We are looking forward to ten relaxing days.  We are spending three at a beach house in St. Augustine with friends . . .CANNOT wait!  The rest will be here- trying to find a balance of much-needed physical and emotional rest, house stuff and the usual.  But we've made it to April and the year gets much easier from this point forward!



The Fair Melissa said…
This post made me sigh with contentment .. and envy ;) Your spring/summer days sound absolutely divine! Wish I could join you. Have a fabulous vacation .. especially getting to go away for a few days!!! Rest up .. you deserve it!
Anonymous said…
your spring is sure different than ours!!! Easter morning, 32 and snowing. But we are seeing snow melt, flowers daring to come up. Love seeing pictures of the kids, can't wait to have them here in...70++ days, and I know by then it will be summer here!! Have a fun, restful vacation!! love Mom

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