Almost May Day!

Reading . . . Life-Giving Home by Sally Clarkson.  Amazing inspiration, she says what I think deep in my mind but could never put into words.

Playing . . . a fun game called "organize the house in my spare time."

Watching . . . Whatever Jer happens to have on- The Office most recently.

Trying . . . to plan homeschool for next year.

Cooking . . . night off tradition- blackened fish, kale, (new recipe) cornbread.

Drinking . . . not enough water.

Calling . . . no one.  I never have quiet time to talk on the phone.

Texting . . . some special friends who have been keeping me supported during these months of uncertainty, with daily encouragement.

Pinning . . . home decoration ideas and lots of yummy things I want to eat.

Crafting . . . a beautiful broom closet to make my days of cleaning happy!

Doing . . . Lots of praying and talking about the future.

Going . . . to swim lessons for Forest every day.  And he is ready to swim so they are so fun!

Loving . . . some new routines and how they change our days.  Load of laundry done start to finish each day.  Taking extra time and effort to dress nicely each day.

Hating . . . the 90 degree temps that are back to stay.  And humidity. But it means berry picking and new sunglasses.  Volleyball tournament and swimming pool!

Discovering . . . a newly rediscovered enjoyment for John Grisham novels.

Enjoying . . . more music in our school days.  Classical.  Raffi and folk kids music for fun.

Thinking . . . A lot about next year and all the details surrounding it.

Feeling . . . ready for decisions to be made and the course to be clear.

Hoping for . . . clear answers this next week.

Listening . . . to little people quietly playing in bed.

Celebrating . . . little days and little things.

Spelling . . . lots of words to Forest, who has caught the reading bug!  YAH!

Thanking . . . a former co-worker for affordable swim lessons for Forest.  Friends for endless support during these last couple months.  Co-workers for sharing their snuggly little babies!

Finishing . . . school in four weeks.  YAH YAH YAH!  And there is no way the kids are more excited than the teacher.  No way.

AND!  Shannon and Forest ran their first 5k!!!!


Setapart1979 said…
This was great to read & I appreciate knowing how to pray for you guys! Praying for clarity, guidance & grace as you follow God's leading. I love that you make the time for beauty in the midst of busy days & the gratitude shared her. For the blessings in the midst of the unknowns... great is His faithfulness! Hugs & prayers.

Isaiah 30:21

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

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