
I had a bunch of things written, but I'm having a hard time making the words look the way I want . . . and in reality, it can be summed up like this for now . . .


HA!  I know, I know . . . we just had vacation.  But then we had two weeks of training . . . which was wonderful, but working 8-5 with three kids to take care of after?  Let's just say I'd have to put my kids up for adoption if I had to work a full-time job, that's how inept of a mother I am!  Our boys came back on Sunday (five returning from last year) and this has been a hard and long week.  They are only in school four hours each day, and the remaining hours they are with us (and the heat index each day is over 100, enough said).  I'm a little discouraged about the reality of some of their issues and what kind of year this is going to be.  Trying to be better about praying specifically for some of their issues.  Three new boys come next week, bringing us up to 8!

Today is our family day and I'm beyond the moon happy.  Well not happy- there is no smile as I limp around the house.  But I'm needing it for sure- to rest, to get prepared for the weekend and the following week.  We plan to start school Monday, which should be interesting.  We are all in need of school routine but I'm sure reality will smack us in the face!  Shannon is also supposed to start Ballet on Monday.

I don't even have any cute pictures to show you because they are on my camera and that's too much work to get off right now.  But I wanted to pop in and say hello . . . hope to be back around more once we are back to normal routine around here!

Love ya friends!


Hannah Boykin said…
Oh my dear sweet Erika...Let me just say that I TOTALLY understand. Sometimes when I think there is no way I can be more exhausted than I already am...I find a new level of exhaustion...You are NOT alone...and you are NOT inept as a are like every other mother of little people...doing your best to wear all your hats to the best of your ability. I'll pray for you today and this week...that you find strength you didn't know you had...and be able to see the beauty if your everyday life... no matter how tired you are:) LOVE YOU!
I will be praying for you, my friend!!! Feeling overwhelmed is my reality too. Hope we can catch up sometime soon! Love you!
Anonymous said…
praying for you dear daughter. You are not inept as a mother, but you are a mother with too many plates full. I think it will be easier as Heidi gets a little older, I know naps are a hassle right now...sure wish I lived closer to help out sometimes!!! love you...Mom

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