Hey! Life is in a pretty good routine and flying right along, as usual! Seems like the days start so early and end so late . . . and so much in between. But overall, things are going well! I've manged to pull my camera out some- a few highlights . . .
Jer's mom came for a visit- they did a lot of coloring, play doh, crafts and nail painting.
This child. One picture just isn't enough. Her personality is big enough for two kids . . . and she is the first of my three that I'm actually SCARED about parenting for the next two years. She has the most joyous personality (a very clear answer to my prayer for her to be my joy-baby, while pregnant). She also has the most mischievous personality (these pictures are of her with Jer's beef jerky she found AND got out of the packaging). She also has the strongest will- as evidenced by the loud and over dramatic wailing and crying when things aren't her way. To see it in one so little . . . oh my.
Also evidenced by her inability to hold still for a required 11 month teddy bear picture!
We celebrated a cottage birthday! This group is a pretty neat group of boys! Overall they are really coming along- August we put in a lot of HARD hours of discipline and training, but it's finally paying off. The constant correction is lessening and some of them are really starting to shine. Others, not so much. Anytime you want to pray for us- pray for wisdom in discipline, for the right children to be in our cottage and unity when it's time to say "enough is enough" and let them go.
School continues along, improved attitudes and enjoyment! I have found that Shan does much better with hands-on- whether that is grammar or math. So after much blog-stalking (of 1st grade public school teachers), I found printable things for Math Journals and Language Arts Journals . . .and we added those activities to our daily routine. And not ONCE has there been a complaint about those. Something about washi tape, colored paper, cutting and gluing makes everything fun!
Jer has been busy rehabilitating baby squirrels that someone found. Yup, feeding every 3 hours! HA!
He's also been learning how to whip! Quite an amazing skill to watch develop.
Isn't she the most beautiful Mexican Mamma???? Some dear co-workers of ours had their second baby today! Took these pictures on Sunday, and today I got to go meet Niko!
Heidi went along too :)
I LOVE new life!
Well, that's a brief, brief peek into life around here! Tomorrow we have a field trip, which should be fun . . .but was way too much work to get ready for. We will be gone all day and then work all weekend, so I had to spend all day today cleaning, etc. UGH! Oh and a certain someone turns 1 on SATURDAY! EEEK!