Are you ready for Advent?
Well the fog came back. Not sure what in the wide, wide world of sports is going on but I'm just having a really hard time lately. Completely impatient, irritated and grouchy ALL the time. And that's just not a pleasant feeling. So rather than post a bunch of junk, let's skip to Christmas.

I've been working on getting our Advent activities ready. We had a ton of fun doing lots of things last year, despite a random bought of illness in the middle of the month.

Rather than repeat EVERYTHING, let me direct you to my three posts from last year. I do have a couple additions- I "pinned" a bunch of activities to a Pinterest board, which you are more than welcome to see. I am changing our activity list from last year (you can see the new one here and the old one on day 3 of last year).
Introduction to Advent
Advent part two- all about the Jesse Tree
(For a fantastic resource, check out Ann Voskamp and subscribe to her "feed" with a google reader or such, and at the bottom is a free link to an 80 page Jesse Tree resource- scriptures, devotionals and even little ornaments to print for your kids. It's fantastic, she's a great writer.
Advent part three- all the fun activities!

My new list of activities looks like this:
Drink hot cocoa from Christmas mugs
Make Orange pomander decorations
Color nativity story pictures
Make paper snowflakes and cover them with glitter.
Make ice luminary or decoration
make salt dough handprints
cinnamon dough ornament
Paint toenails in Christmas colors.
Make hand-print Christmas cards.
Make a Gingerbread house
make Christmas tree decorations
make paper-plate wreaths for the house
Make a cake or cupcakes for Jesus’ Birthday
Make snowman pancakes
Play with Christmas paper dolls
Get Christmas jammies for a gift
Hand and footprint reindeer
Give cookies away to someone who needs them
Put together a bag of toys we don’t want anymore
And you can see "how" to do a lot of things HERE on my Pinterest board. If you don't have an account or need help, let me know.
Includes fun things like this:

I've been working on getting our Advent activities ready. We had a ton of fun doing lots of things last year, despite a random bought of illness in the middle of the month.

Rather than repeat EVERYTHING, let me direct you to my three posts from last year. I do have a couple additions- I "pinned" a bunch of activities to a Pinterest board, which you are more than welcome to see. I am changing our activity list from last year (you can see the new one here and the old one on day 3 of last year).
Introduction to Advent
Advent part two- all about the Jesse Tree
(For a fantastic resource, check out Ann Voskamp and subscribe to her "feed" with a google reader or such, and at the bottom is a free link to an 80 page Jesse Tree resource- scriptures, devotionals and even little ornaments to print for your kids. It's fantastic, she's a great writer.
Advent part three- all the fun activities!

My new list of activities looks like this:
Drink hot cocoa from Christmas mugs
Make Orange pomander decorations
Color nativity story pictures
Make paper snowflakes and cover them with glitter.
Make ice luminary or decoration
make salt dough handprints
cinnamon dough ornament
Paint toenails in Christmas colors.
Make hand-print Christmas cards.
Make a Gingerbread house
make Christmas tree decorations
make paper-plate wreaths for the house
Make a cake or cupcakes for Jesus’ Birthday
Make snowman pancakes
Play with Christmas paper dolls
Get Christmas jammies for a gift
Hand and footprint reindeer
Give cookies away to someone who needs them
Put together a bag of toys we don’t want anymore
And you can see "how" to do a lot of things HERE on my Pinterest board. If you don't have an account or need help, let me know.
Includes fun things like this: