I actually have three parts to this "advent thing." The first part was ideas for "how to" make your advent calendar pretty. You know, because pretty is important. Part Two will give you some ideas for the scripture part. And Part Three will be ideas to make it fun. Some people do gifts, some do activities, etc. I spent hours getting our advent fun-part together and will share it, in case it helps you out! But first things, first. Scripture.
Since the reason for the season is Jesus . . . it is important to me to make sure we include the Jesus-Story in our Advent celebration. Shannon (and Forest) is young, but she does know a lot about the Christmas story and I hope this can be the start of our family Christmas tradition.
Rather than give you a zillion links, this is a pretty good starting point with the history of advent, discussion questions, activities, links, etc. Has a good link to a "printable ready" scripture reading section. This is the particular one I use, but we general use a different translation. You should be able to find what you need to bring scripture into your family's celebration.
Another Christmas "activity" is a Jesse Tree. Rather than me explain, check out a couple of these good links.
History of the Jesse Tree:
Basic instructions for the whole process:
Free pictures that you can print to use on your banner, tree, etc.
Adorable printable decorations- this is from a scrapbooking site but you don't have to be a scrapbooker to use!
So what is our plan, you wonder? I am going to print the Jesse Tree decorations (from the Lily Pad, bought them last year). We'll have our banner on the wall somewhere (maybe an inside door) and then each decoration will be found inside that days' Advent Box. We'll read the scriptures and work through the Christmas story.
Personally, I'll work through the longer scriptures on my own, as a way to (try) to keep centered during this busy but fun time of year.
We talk a lot about the Christmas story and tonight we came up with a really fun sign-language "chant" that says "GLORY to GOD in the HIGHEST and on earth peace and goodwill to men." We shout the capitalized words. I've got it on video if you want to see it :)
So what are you doing to bring Christ into your Christmas celebrations?
I actually have three parts to this "advent thing." The first part was ideas for "how to" make your advent calendar pretty. You know, because pretty is important. Part Two will give you some ideas for the scripture part. And Part Three will be ideas to make it fun. Some people do gifts, some do activities, etc. I spent hours getting our advent fun-part together and will share it, in case it helps you out! But first things, first. Scripture.
Since the reason for the season is Jesus . . . it is important to me to make sure we include the Jesus-Story in our Advent celebration. Shannon (and Forest) is young, but she does know a lot about the Christmas story and I hope this can be the start of our family Christmas tradition.
Rather than give you a zillion links, this is a pretty good starting point with the history of advent, discussion questions, activities, links, etc. Has a good link to a "printable ready" scripture reading section. This is the particular one I use, but we general use a different translation. You should be able to find what you need to bring scripture into your family's celebration.
Another Christmas "activity" is a Jesse Tree. Rather than me explain, check out a couple of these good links.
History of the Jesse Tree:
Basic instructions for the whole process:
Free pictures that you can print to use on your banner, tree, etc.
Adorable printable decorations- this is from a scrapbooking site but you don't have to be a scrapbooker to use!
So what is our plan, you wonder? I am going to print the Jesse Tree decorations (from the Lily Pad, bought them last year). We'll have our banner on the wall somewhere (maybe an inside door) and then each decoration will be found inside that days' Advent Box. We'll read the scriptures and work through the Christmas story.
Personally, I'll work through the longer scriptures on my own, as a way to (try) to keep centered during this busy but fun time of year.
We talk a lot about the Christmas story and tonight we came up with a really fun sign-language "chant" that says "GLORY to GOD in the HIGHEST and on earth peace and goodwill to men." We shout the capitalized words. I've got it on video if you want to see it :)
So what are you doing to bring Christ into your Christmas celebrations?