A few Thoughts
I am working on a "real" post but for now in the short 5 minutes that I have, this will give you a brief insight into what we're up to!
Outside my window... kind of cloudy, super muggy and steamy.
I am thinking... I need to take a shower and make lunch. Forest will be awake soon, hopefully not grumpy.
I am thankful for... a home weekend, a chance to work on the house and play with the family.
From the kitchen... today we'll grill some "mussels" and roast a tenderloin.
I am wearing... my pjs. And most ready to take a shower and get into real clothes.
I am creating... a wonderful chalkboard on the back of our pantry door! The first coat was just rolled on, second coat later today . . . we should be drawing and writing on it on Tuesday!
I am going... to my brother's wedding in two weeks!
I am reading... The Wilderness Family . . . life as a game ranger's wife in Africa.
I am hoping... for a more peaceful night's sleep. F was up every 45 minutes last night with screaming and crying over what I'm assuming was gas/constipation issues. And a cold.
I am hearing... S and J watching Little House on the Prarie.
Around the house... Curtains finally hung in our bedroom, organizing coming together. Seeds waiting on the counter to be planted. Starting to feel like home!
One of my favorite things... morning glory seeds soaking in anticipation of being planted. I can't wait to see them heaping and mounding over the top of the fence, right outside my bedroom window.
A few plans for the rest of the weekend: not too much . . . some swimming if the weather is nice, cooking & cleaning up from meals, working on the house, playing with the kids. Maybe getting some sleep . . .
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
