Have I mentioned that F is an eating machine?

The boys have to read quietly in the mornings. Shannon thinks she is one of the boys.

Remember my craft closet? Here it is!

Back in the pool, first time for Forest and he liked it!

Getting ready for Forest's six month pictures, the drama queen steps in first!

She can fake illness too. Anyone want to hire her?

When did my baby turn SIX months old????? He crawls, he eats, he laughs!

Forest is an eating machine! Here he is enjoying banana.

Our house is **slowly** coming along. I haven't taken any more pictures yet, but here is a sneak-peak of our living room- new couch, pillows and green lamp. Curtains still to come.
Ready to get Grandma & Grandpa from the airport (back in April)

The boys have to read quietly in the mornings. Shannon thinks she is one of the boys.

Remember my craft closet? Here it is!

Back in the pool, first time for Forest and he liked it!

Getting ready for Forest's six month pictures, the drama queen steps in first!

She can fake illness too. Anyone want to hire her?

When did my baby turn SIX months old????? He crawls, he eats, he laughs!

Forest is an eating machine! Here he is enjoying banana.

Our house is **slowly** coming along. I haven't taken any more pictures yet, but here is a sneak-peak of our living room- new couch, pillows and green lamp. Curtains still to come.
