{Early} Christmas

Jer got a completely unexpected, early Christmas gift today! He was waiting with the boys for breakfast (at 6:30 am!) and it was pointed out that there was a BIKE sitting in front of the office. Upon closer inspection, he found this . . . (well the kids weren't there at 6:30 but you get the idea).


Keep in mind, my husband's favorite color is orange.


We've been wanting to get him a bike to go along with the bike I got (wait for that story) but there is always something else to spend money on.

We don't know who it came from (though a couple people were as, well, guilty as sin when we talked to them) . . . but we're extra-thankful for this super-fun surprise!!!


Now wanna hear the story about my bike? I've been wanting a bike for . . . forever . . . but again, there is ALWAYS something else more important to spend $90 on than a bike. Yes I could buy used, but that requires time to look and that's a premium around here too.

One Saturday while walking back from the pool with the boys, Jer walked by a man dropping off donations (we have a thrift store to benefit the Ranch). He dropped off this bike. Jer brought it home. I fell in love. My boss said "It's yours." End of story.


Her name is Pink Pearl.
(I did a little research and my bike was over $500 new . . . just saying . . . thanks God!!!!!)

We're doing well- moving along in our Advent . . .

Day 3- get Christmas books for a gift (a fall-back for crazy-busy Ranch days like Saturdays). I picked up a bunch of books at the thrift store over the last couple months for this.

Day 4- Color Advent pictures- printed 5 pictures that Shannon loved coloring.

Day 5- make salt-dough handprints - these are AMAZING and I will post pictures as soon as they finish drying out!

Day 6- today- another easy one- paint toe-nails in Christmas colors!


Janet said…
So cool about the bikes! I love when God provides in awesome ways!

And did you change your mind about painting nails? I thought you were waiting.

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