Yup, finally getting back in the posting habit. I'm feeling down tonight. Rather than bore you with all the details, I'll just leave it at this.

(oh and the idea for this is not mine, it's from here: Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window... dark skies of night.

I am thinking... that life can just be hard and uncomfortable at times.

I am thankful for... the fact that uncomfortable and miserable times are just that- "times" and not every day.

From the learning rooms... not much, we have to get back into routines here in our new house. That's something that's been bothering me (feeling like we aren't settled).

From the kitchen... yummy chocolate-chip scones for family night.

I am wearing... grey "walking shorts" and a blue polo. It's wet from washing dishes and my pants have flour on them.

I am creating... nothing- feeling so emotionally drained that I can't create anything.

I am going... to bed when this is done.

I am reading... a lot about different theories of educating/homeschooling. We have a couple years yet (well three until Shan is officially 5) but I'm working through what our philosophy and long-term goals for our kids are, as these will shape HOW we do educating. I've found some great ideas and it's fun thinking through what I want my kids to be able to do when they are 18 and on their own (or on their way).

I am hoping... for grace, love and patience as I work with our boys tomorrow.

I am hearing... a loud fan and hopefully NOT Forest.

Around the house... I just don't feel like it's home. I still feel uncomfortable and weird here. I hope that goes away.

One of my favorite things...is waking up to clean dishes. I actually washed them tonight.

A few plans for the rest of the week: week? Just trying to make it through the weekend!

I did NOT run out of coffee filters. I did NOT attempt to use a paper towel instead. I did NOT use an extra-thick paper towel and come back to find the basket overflowing with boiling coffee-water all over the counter.


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