Home again, home again, jiggidy jig.

We had a glorious five days in NY with my family. Shannon discovered that she loves the snow. This is huge for my little chicken-heart. And sure makes mom and dad unbelievably happy that she loves something that we love so much!

And then we came home. Spent five hours in the airport, waiting for our flight. Thank you, dear crew members that decided to party late and call in sick on the morning of our flight. We got on the plane and shortly after take-off, Shannon decided to enjoy the stomach bug I had the day before, by throwing up violently every 20 minutes for the entire three hour flight.

I felt so sad for the people sitting around us and so thankful for how gracious and helpful (holding Forest) they were. I pray God gives them grace and they aren't throwing up today :(

The entire flight and airport stuff was awful- between the delay, throwing-up, stuck on the tarmac . . . but we eventually got home at 10 pm and Shan stopped getting sick around 3 am. Jer got home at midnight.

Today was good. Grocery-shopping. Lying on the couch watching movies. Cleaning the cottage, getting ready for the boys (+ new boy). Doing mountains of laundry. Cooking.

I missed the beginning of this year but hope to have some time this week to process the last year and wrap up all my 2010 projects. I have a giant project I hope to finish this week and be able to share . . . and of course tons of pictures from our trip. But for now, the last three days have been seriously sleep-deprived and I need all my energy to deal with life + a poor new boy.

He's only 11 but is 5'6". Highly intelligent. Terribly, horribly socially awkward. He was crying and crying tonight because he wanted to go home (he just got here tonight) but not in the "oh I feel sorry for you" way but rather in the "could you please stop, you're annoying us all" way. I feel bad for kids like that. He's been here since 7 pm and has already socially isolated himself from our boys. Sigh. It's going to be a long week, but I hope he can make it and we can teach him some coping and social skills . . .

So there you have it, come on in 2011~


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