Food and other random musings

Hi! Time for an update . . . I've been trying to get my house under control . . . to the point where it doesn't take me hours to clean, which means a LOT less computer time. Also, I'm busy working on a photobook of Jer's pictures from Alaska.

This is a great idea for those of you who don't really like, want
or have the creative ideas to do scrapbooks. Basically, they provide you with the templates (or you can move things around yourself), you drop the pictures in and they print the books for you. I have done photobooks with Shutterfly and they came out great. There is a new(er) company out, with great prices on photobooks, Mypictales. I am finishing up my order with them, I'll let you know how it turns out but I've been reading great reviews from other people about them, so I'm sure my experience will be the same. Jer's book is going to be 50 pages!!!! If you look at their website, you can see examples of the books.


We've been continuing the food journey with Shannon. We tried green beans this week . . .she loves 'em! I am a huge believer in not feeding Shannon something I wouldn't eat myself. For example, those little nasty jars of mushed up green stuff or brown stuff or orange stuff. Would you eat them? Maybe you wouldn't but I certainly wouldn't. Do you make yourself huge pots of veggies that you don't like? Or do you cook yourself ones that are tried and true favorites? Maybe you do, you're better than me :)

We believe in "making" a child try something at least once (our Ranch boys have to do this too), but as you all know, their taste buds aren't formed very well
yet, so kids don't always like things we do. But at 7 months, breast milk is her main food and the other stuff is just for experimentation. So far she feeds herself the green beans (whole), plain whole-milk yoghurt, banana, broccoli, cottage cheese, apples, peaches and cheerios. She doesn't swallow much at this point (I find it all over the toys :) ) but she's learning how to do it and trying new flavors. I want her to grow up loving good, fresh food so that's what we're feeding her. I want her to grow up with a healthy view of food and nutrution.

Regarding older kids (not babies and eating) . . . . . . I guess what I'm saying (and not doing very well) is that I belive that eating isn't always a "rebellion" issu
e. Maybe kids who don't want to eat aren't always trying to "win" or be disobedient or willful. Maybe they are sometimes. But maybe they aren't . . . maybe they aren't hungry (so they can wait until morning) or maybe they have a stomach ache. Maybe they are stressed and can't eat. Anyway, enough on that subject (I'm sure I'll learn more as I parent and make more mistakes), here are the pictures!

Green Beans (freshly steamed!)

Yoghurt!Climbing like her dad!

I have been trying to sneak a bit of scrapping in here and there . . . I've managed to do this page about Fall and this page about my brother & his girlfriend riding bikes this summer.

One more subject . . . Jer is busy training to climb Denali next summer. This has helped me get moving with exercise, as he often wants me to go with him. Gulp . . . tomorrow we are going to the Peabody Hotel . . .to climb the 20 stories of stairs. OUCH!!!!!! I'll let you know how it goes later . . . .if I can :)


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